Aims and Objectives of the IPA
Irish Palatine Association Aims
To encourage and develop a sense of identity among Irish Palatine families and their descendants.
To make contact and develop links with descendants of Irish Palatines everywhere.
To nurture links with the ancestral homeland in Germany.
To administer the purpose-built Museum and Heritage Centre, housing an exhibition of artefacts illustrating the social history and the story of the Irish Palatines.
To collect and preserve original documents, photographs and memorabilia relating to Irish Palatine families and to act as trustees of such material for posterity.
To signpost and identify sites associated with the Irish Palatine Story.

To Achieve these Aims and Objectives we
Host an exhibition illustrating the Irish Palatine story.
Continue to gather a Library on subjects of Irish Palatine Interest.
Maintain a Website.
Publish an annual Journal.
Publish periodical News Sheets
Correspond with members of the Association.
Host tours and lectures of Palatine interest.
Seek to raise funds for further development of the Irish Palatine Heritage Centre.

The Association Directors & Committee;
Austin Bovenizer (chairman)*, Audrey Ruttle (secretary)*, Ken Baker, Pat Colemen*, Ann Conway, Padraig Hanley, Alison McSweeney, Helen Mulcahy, Dan Neville*, Robert Ruttle, Rosemary Shier, Elaine Sparling, Christy Switzer*, Niall West.


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