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We appeal to you for support and we are asking for this help and support through, Membership, Patronage or Donation. We would like to thank all those who have contributed and supported us through the years particularly by Membership, Donations or Patronage and we actively encourage anyone who has an interest in Irish Palatine Heritage to support our endeavours by these means.
The IPA is a voluntary organisation and we rely on support from all people of Irish Palatine Heritage to help with the operation of the Irish Palatine Museum and organisation. Membership of the Association is 45.00 euros per year. The membership year runs from January to December each year. When membership is received in the course of the year, any literature published in the prior part of the year is mailed at the time of subscription. To learn of the many different ways you can help support us, please visit our SUPPORT section for details.

Irish Palatine Association Journal (No.31)
Just published.....In this edition of our Irish Palatine Journal we trace the journey that the Palatines took from London to Chester in England on their way to Ireland in 1709. Findings are detailed and expanded upon which is expected to inspire further research and includes a transcripton from the London Gazette of the time. Also we have an article on how Irish genealogical sources can be used to study Irish Palatine Families using the Bovenizer family as a case study. An intriguing article on the Ruttles of Ballingrane Co. Limerick and their considerable success in the Legal and Pawnbroking professions in Tralee, Rathkeale and Dublin. Concealed for a century relates the story of how a childrens book 'The Sunday Chaplet of Stories' survived outside in the elements for almost a century and was unearthed during reclamations of Courtmatrix Square. We have some photos and reports on visitors to our Centre and tributes to those who have passed in the last while...(more)
irish palatine association journal 31

Webinar - An Alternative Irish Heritage
Sunday October 27th 2024

During Austin Bovenizer’s childhood, growing up with a Palatine Methodist heritage meant living in a parallel world. The schools, church, and the independence of farming life set his family apart from most of the Irish community. Austin will outline the history of the Irish Palatines, including their journey from Germany to Ireland, the communities they established in their new homeland and their role in bringing Methodism to North America. He will also provide insight into the migration of some families to Ontario and discuss research resources. A graphic artist and illustrator by profession, Austin’s talks bring the Irish Palatine story to life.
You are invited to join the webinar hosted by the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) on Sunday, 27th October at 2:30pm EDT, 7.30pm GMT

Webinar - Traversing Killeheen Palatine Pathways
Saturday September 28th 2024

Killeheen is one of three parent colonies of Irish Palatine settlement at Rathkeale, Co. Limerick and is one of only four parent settlements that were successfully colonised in Ireland. The local landlord's main motivation in settling the Palatines on his estate was to develop a linen industry at Rathkeale. This presentation is by Austin Bovenizer, Chairman of the Irish Palatine Association, who was raised on the Palatine settlement at Killeheen. You are invited to join the Webinar which is hosted by the IP-SIG of the Ontario Genealogical Society, on Saturday, September 28th at 11.00am (EDT) 4.00pm (GMT).
Posthumous Presedential Pardon for wrongly convicted Kerrymen.
Tadhg Evans 2024 Kerryman
Minister for Justice Helen McEntee will recommend to President Michael D Higgins that Sylvester Poff and James Barrett receive a posthumous presidential pardon.
The men were wrongly convicted for the murder of Thomas Browne near Scartaglin, Co. Kerry in 1882 and hanged in early 1883. It follows a detailed report by Dr Niamh Howlin, and the pardon is being granted to the two men on the grounds that their convictions were unsafe. Minister McEntee has also acknowledged the work of the Castleisland District Heritage Incorporating Michael O’Donohue Memorial Project in bringing the case to her Department. Read more here...

Shier Reunion 2024
Sunday June 23rd 2024
The annual Shier Reunion will be held on Sunday June 23rd, at the Wilfrid Hall at 12.00 noon. The picnic is located at 20915 Brock Rd, Pefferlaw, ON L0E 1N0. Please advise if you are able to attend. For all that are able, please bring a main course and a dessert for this potluck picnic gathering.

New Publication
All Good Reason
The true story of Barbara Heck is recreated using meticulous use of historical fact and inherited details to bring history alive for the reader. Written in the present tense, she emerges as a stoic, forthright and mindful woman who has a claim to fame in the British colonies of America in the 1760s and who encapsulates the lives of women amongst the loyal supporters of their King of Great Britain and Ireland.

Copies are available from our Shop

Webinar - Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland
Saturday February 10th 2024

Dr. Brian Gurrin will introduce the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland project and speak about the destruction of the Public Record Office in 1922, with a particular emphasis on the records for the Palatines which were located in the Archive before it was destroyed. He will describe some of the surviving records for the Palatines which are available to researchers via the Virtual Record Treasury, including the relevant surviving returns from the 1766 religious census of Ireland, the greatest survey held in Ireland between the Down Survey of the 1650s and the national censuses of Ireland of the nineteenth century. He will also introduce some records which may find their way into the Treasury during this phase of the project.

Dorothy Teskey
Stories from My Life
This book is a collection of stories written in reply to Dorothy’s granddaughters questions over a period of time. Her upbringing would be typical of what a Palatine would experience for those years. As well as being of Palatine stock through her Miller and other Palatine family backgrounds, Dorothy Walsh married Ronald Teskey of Castlematrix in 1956. She was part of the Rathkeale Palatine Community from that time on for many years. Dorothy has a very optimistic outlook and this comes through very much in the stories of trials and tribulations of what life has thrown at her.
Profits from this book are in aid of Limerick Suicide Watch.
Copies are available from our Shop

Interview with Dorothy Teskey
Enjoy an interview with Dorothy Teskey from RTE Radio One’s (Irish Radio) The Nine O'Clock Show hosted by Brendan Courtney. Dorothy became a TikTok hit with her song "Remember me". The Limerick great grandmother's video has 1.6 million views. She has also written a book called, Stories of my Life.

New Publication
Some German Origins of the Irish Palatines
The Irish Palatine Association recently received the gift of a new exclusive publication titled Some German Origins of The Irish Palatines by Henry Z, Jones. Jr. This book is intended as a companion volume to Hank’s seminal book The Palatine Families of Ireland. In this new publication, some of Hank’s recent discoveries about the definite, probable and possible German origins of some of the Palatine families are set forth, documented, and discussed. This publication is exclusively available from the Irish Palatine Association and can be ordered from our SHOP.
Journal 25

Webinar - Hank Jones Palatine Research Library
Saturday January 14th 2023
Recently, Hank Jones donated his personal library to the New York Chapter of Palatines to America (PALAM) and to the Germantown (New York) Library where it is now housed. It consists of hundreds of books, periodicals, pamphlets, and other materials documenting years of research on the Palatines - those who went to America in 1710, as well as those who settled in Ireland in 1709. You are invited to join the Webinar hosted by the IP-SIG of the Ontario Genealogical Society, on Saturday, 14th January at 2.00pm (EDT) 7.00pm (GMT) for a Special Panel Presentation about the library

Happy St. Patricks Day

A Rathkealean Traverse
I  traverse a road between townlands.
Enniscoush on the right is trim and tidy, nursery of a rural order;
Courtmatrix on the left catches the ribbons of modernity
Spilling out from town. I meet with an old Palatine in a car,
His craggy, lived-in face a testament to humour and diversion.
He salutes as he passes. We are in the waving zone.
The sun dances in a blue sky and irradiates the earth.
Hedges and ditches carry the mayflower in full glory
And sumptuous displays of foliage. Rhythms of land and season
Weave into the rhythms of life.
Copyright © Dr. Patrick J. O'Connor 2017 from his book 'Home and Reach-a life in writing'

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